The BlackBerry PlayBook tablet that was released a couple of years ago, more precisely in 2011 was reviewed by Tablet-news back in june 2011 it seems to be as popular as then even now. Recently, we found out that that BlackBerry it’s still offering updates for this tablet.
A couple of days ago, the guys from CrackBerry forums decided to make a little poll to see how many owners of BlackBerry PlayBook are still using the tablet. The results are quite surprising, almost 60% of those polled said that they are still using their BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and that it’s doing a good job even now.
Around 22% said that they’ve choosed another OS, while the rest claim that they don’t need a tablet. Even the BlackBerry PlayBook was released 3 years ago, making it a little bit old, it seems that the users are still using it for simple tasks as surfing web, checking emails and playing some videos.