In February this year Research in Motion launched the major update BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, that gave the users of the 7 inch tablet from RIM some welcome upgrades and features. And now we have a new update, to OS 2.0.1, one that’s focused on fixes for the software on the slate.

The update is available Over the air for PlayBook owners and it’s not a major update as you may expect, but it does bring some needed fixes. Around a million of people or around it own the PlayBook, which is easy to understand, since right now it’s selling for around $200 on most retailers. The changelog of the update includes browser enhancements for performance issues with some websites, improvements in the support for Android apps and enhanced experience for the video chat, PIM and BlackBerry Bridge apps.

Users are promised to receive automatically the software update notification on the PlayBook status ribbon, or they can simply check for it in the Settings area, under Software Updates and tapping Check for Updates. Keep in mind that people who purchase and activate a new PlayBook after April 17th or on that date will have the update automatically as part of the setup process.