Gigabyte has been in the tablet game for a while, usually with some bulky models and now they’re unveiling a powerful Windows 8 slate with a 11.6 inch 1920 x 1080 IPS screen. The device is dubbed S1185 and uses an Intel Core i5 Ivy Bridge processor, up to 8 GB of RAM and up to 256 GB of solid state storage.
This device weighs 2 pounds and it will go on sale in USA in April, priced at $1000 and up. The tablet has already reached the FCC website, where it has been stripped down for everyone to see. This slate has a 5270 mAh battery, a 39 Whr unit and an allure that reminds me more of a laptop than a tablet. Gigabyte S1185 also uses standard laptop memory and other standard ports, that make it easy to upgrade the RAM or storage on your own.
The sides of the tablet incorporate a full sized VGA port, HDMI port and USB ports, plus there’s a built-in kickstand at the back. On the front there’s an optical mouse sensor on one side and mouse buttons on the other, a pretty strange feature. There’s also an optional keyboard dock offered by Gigabyte with the slate.