We’ve just managed to fondle for the past hours a nifty little Windows RT tablet, that’s pictured below and we’ll let this one be a mystery. You can try to guess what it is, but we can’t really say right now, other than the fact we’re really excited about this model and look forward to testing it further.

We’ll be back with a full review of the tablet in the day when Windows 8/Win RT launches and if you want my first impressions, here they are! First of all, this device’s design is fantastic, with great attention paid to details, like the speaker grille for example. Also, the materials used are premium ones and the OS is a pleasant surprise and better than Android right now, in my view. We’ll have to see if Windows RT gains enough support for developers to start mattering in the apps universe.

Windows RT is very fast, just like iOS and the fact that you can switch to MEtro UI or classic desktop experience is a big bonus. Only the lack of apps is a drawback right now… In the end we invite you to guess what this tablet is and be very careful about all the details we included in the pics!