As IFA 2012 takes off, Sony just unveiled two new tablets, the Vaio Duo 11 slideout slate and the Vaio Tap 20 desktop and tablet hybrids. The Vaio Duo 11 is a Windows 8 touch tablet, with a 11.6 inch 1080p display and a digitizer stylus, pictured below. The specifications are actually pretty impressive.
They include the client’s choice of Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 processor and 128GB or 256 GB of SSD storage, NFC wireless, GPS and two HD capable cameras (one at the front, one at the back). Sony wants to bring this product to stores in October (late October) and the price hasn’t been mentioned yet. This hybrid has an OptiContrast display panel, it will offer 4 or 8 GB of RAM and measures 17.85 mm in thickness. It also weighs 1.3 kilograms, a bit heavier than the Surface from Microsoft.
Duo 11 is a Windows 8 Pro device. Meanwhile, the Sony Vaio Tap 20 is a tilting all in one desktop, much like the Lenovo IdeaCentre A720. It carries a 20 inch 1600 x 900 touchscreen and it’s still powered by battery. It uses standard 750GB or 1TB hard drives and offers a front facing 1.3 megapixel camera, NFC and a 11.4 pound heavy package. I guess that the CPU choice is pretty much similar to the one of the Vaio Duo 11. No price here either, sadly. The Tap 20 runs Windows 8 or Windows 8 Pro and has 4 or 8 GB of RAM.