Research in Motion has just confirmed to TechRadar that the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will receive BB10 OS when the platform is ready. This is kind of strange since we already knew that PlayBook OS 3.0 was in the making and supposed to follow the recently applied PlayBook OS 2.0 update.
As far as the BlackBerry 10 OS goes, this one is based on the same QNX platform as the current PlayBook OS. Rob Orr, RIM’s VP of product management also says that towards the end of 2012 we’ll also see the first BB10 handset on the market and after the launch the OS will be brought to PlayBooks “at some point”. So this means that we’re getting PlayBook OS 3.0 after all and only then we’re switching to BB 10… confusing? It sure is! Recently RIM was happy to find out that consumers are actually content with the BlackBerry PlayBook 2.0 software, its ability to run Android apps and the communication functions that lacked from its predecessor.
RIM is also saying that the take up rates from PlayBook 1 to PlayBook 2 were astonishing and they happened in a very short time. Around 50% of all PlayBook users installed the software on the first day of release, showing how much they desired the software to evolve and get its own email and contacts, for example.