I’m starting to think that RIM is cursed, honestly, since so much bad stuff has been happening to them since this year started… Their stocks have been going down, sales as well, investors are unhappy, a couple of the company’s employees were caught drunk on a plane and then the people trampling in Indonesia for a cheaper BlackBerry. Not the mention the poor sales of the Blackberry PlayBook tablet and now this.. $1.7 million worth of PlayBook slates were stolen from an Indiana truck stop.

It’s almost as if someone was trying to kill this company or make it worth less. People have been saying that we could see RIM caving in to offers soon and getting bought by the likes of Microsoft. The theft happened on Thursday and it involved a truck carrying 22 pallets of BlackBerry PlayBooks, around 5,000 units getting jacked from an Indian truck stop, as the driver was taking a shower and eating. The vehicle involved had no tracking device on it, believe it or not. This means that the products are gone for good unless someone starts suddenly selling PlayBooks for low prices in bulk.

Police already have some fingerprints to work with and they might even go to the FBI and Interstate Theft Task Force on this one. Recently RIM reported a $485 million loss because of those poorly selling PlayBooks and also the phone segment continues to plunge to its death. The Canadian company also lost the trademark for BBX OS recently, so it’s forced to rename the new platform to BlackBerry 10. Someone has a bad karma here…