We found out during BUILD 2016 that Windows 10 was running on over 200 million machines so far and that brings its popularity up in other fields, too. Now, Win 10 has overtaken Win 7 as the most popular OS for Steam users.


PC gamers usually know a bit more about compatibility with drivers, GPUS and such and are cautious about updates, especially when some top notch games are coming, especially if one likes to play games for real money. The Steam community hasn’t been enthusiastic about the move to Windows 10, but finally they’ve caved in. Official stats are showing that the number of Steam users that rely on Windows 10 has surpassed the one of Windows 7 users (64 bit only for starters).


Since the last Steam survey done by Valve,  the latest Microsoft OS has overtaken Windows 7 and now takes up 36.97% of all users. The increase is close to 3% from last month and it can only go up. We’re shocked to learn that some people still use Windows 8, for that matter. Reasons to switch to Win 10 are plenty and have to do with DX12-compatible titles, like Hitman, Gears of War Ultimate, Rise of Tomb Raider and Killer Instinct.