After the ASUS Vivo Tab RT got unveiled hours ago and we posted its review, more Windows 8 devices are getting prices and launch dates. The one you can see below is the HP Envy X2, a Windows 8 convertible tablet/laptop hybrid, supposed to go live on November 14th, with a price tag of $849.99.

The 11.6 inch tablet can be operated as a laptop and it gets you fancy technologies like Beats Audio, NFC and an 8 megapixel camera. There’s also a brushed aluminum finish available and the product’s November debut date applies to the USA only for now. I expect an international debut to follow soon after and more Windows 8 products to be released, too around this month’s end. Under the hood of the x2 there’s an Atom-based CloverTrail CPU and other features include two USB ports, HDMI output, a full size SD slot and a screen with a 1366 x 768 pixel resolution.

Pen support, NFC and a thickness of 8.5mm should ensure a pretty nice experience with the device, that weighs 1.5 pounds, while its dock weighs 1.6 pounds. The tablet also has an 8 megapixel rear camera, microSD card slot and 64 GB of storage. Who wants one for Xmas?