Remember the underwhelming presentation of the Grid 10 tablet from Fusion Garage, while everyone was waiting for a Nokia slate? Well, the maker of the tablet is back with fresh info, including a cut down price of the device. Turns out that this supposed iPad rival will be priced $200 less than originally announced.

It’s strange for a product that hasn’t even launched to get a price reduction, but hey, anything that makes our wallets sigh in relief is OK. The 16GB model was supposed to be priced at $499 in the WiFi flavor and now it has reached an incredible $299. Meanwhile, the WiFi + 3G unit will cost $399 instead of the $599 announced initially.

Pre-orders are available in the US of course and if you’re really into that Grid OS thing, you can easily order a unit right now. Let’s see what other hot offers we have laying around: there’s the HP TouchPad with that incredible $99 price tag (if it still exists), the Amazon Kindle Tablet coming with a $250 price and… the iPad 2, that’s bound for a price reduction on Black Friday. Which one will you get?