If you had to choose a free tablet, would you honestly choose an iPad or a Windows 8 device? Well, a bunch of students from the Clear Creek Independent School District had the choice between a variety of slates.

Dell Latitude 10

None of them were briefed on how to use the devices and the idea was to get the education institution packed with these products. Of all the tablets put on the table, the Dell Latitude 10 stood out, because of its ease of use and accessibility. Students also said that they feled that the Latitude 10 would prepare them for college and the work force in a proper way.

The CTO of the institution claims that Windows 8 is the best when it comes to security, applications, updates and personalization. He added that productivity is a challenge on other platforms, especially on iOS. Clear Creek will distribute 30k tablets once the school year starts and each student will get one assigned.

So, is this the start of a bigger trend? Do you agree?