Everyone wants RIM to decide if they want to survive or cave in and sell out their company to another bigshot brand. They’ve failed to launch any new product this year and this shows, as their sales and stocks drop more each quarter. Will BB OS 10 and associated devices save them? Perhaps this new 10 inch PlayBook tablet we’ve been hearing about will… especially now that it’s more real than ever, thanks to the leaked pictures shown below.
The pics come straight from Vietnam, via site Tinh Te and surprisingly they even include a teardown, that’s very rare in these days of leaked photos of unannounced devices. This 10 inch PlayBook has an iPad-like aspect ratio and a pretty big bezel, for those navigation gestures you’re going to perform when using the device. Aside from the modifications in size, this PlayBook is just like the 7 inch unit. I can’t really understand why RIM failed to launch this product yet.
The 10 inch PlayBook was actually due in Q3 2012, but the delay of RIM’s BB OS 10 also pushed the hardware products further down the timeframe. Odds are very high that this particular model will never see the light of day, just like the 7 inch HP tablet with webOS. The problem is that the 10 inch PlayBook has been laying around with dated specs for a while now and launching it in 2013 with a dual core CPU would be futile. Will RIM have time and money to adjust it to modern requirements?