This is a review done by a PS Vita owner almost a year after buying the device. I was one of the earliest buyers at the beginning of the year, as I’m a real Sony fan. I filmed the review back then, as an excited noobster and now I’m back with impressions after one year of use. Happy with it? Kind of… Hating the lack of games? You bet!
This quad core device is pretty bulky at 18.6 mm, but also reasonably light at 280 grams. It’s got 4 core ARM Cortex A9 CPU and a 5 inch 16:9 display with a qHD resolution. We’ve also got a back touchpad to have fun with an d interact with objects like those in Uncharted, where you rub objects to reveal their drawings. Anyway, I’m a bit unhappy with the current game selection, that only includes casual titles, racing titles, platformers and not one single hit.
Resistance Burning Skies got boring fast, FIFA was the only addictive title and so was NFS Most Wanted. There was no RPG to really catch my eye and no real FPS to keep you glued to the screen. One can only hope that Final Fantasy X HD comes in time to save the console… since I’d take a Galaxy Note II over it any day now. For more on the console, the review below speaks for itself.