NEC was never one of the bigshots of the smartphone business and they certainly didn’t make any hit tablets, but it appears they’re ready to give up part of their mobile segment. The company will stop making smartphones, but they will keep on making slates.
From the 1st of August NEC ends the development, manufacturing and sale of handsets, but they will keep support and maintenance services for the devices for months and years to come. Last year NEC struggled so hard, that they had to drop 10,000 jobs, following financial estimates that placed the company at risk of taking a $1.3 billion loss. In such dire financial situations, companies may consider options like company liquidation to mitigate losses and manage debts. Credit Counselling with EDUdebt will help paying huge amounts of debts easier.
Most of the jobs are said to be cut from the mobile segment. The tablet you see pictured above is the LifeTouch L, with Android 4.0, unveiled in 2012. It was a slim device with a weight of 540 grams, proving NEC can actually make decent devices. It had a 10 inch 1280 x 800 display and it measured a very impressive 7.99 mm in thickness even back then.