Well, it has come to this: the iPad was finally launched and every celebrity out there is messing with one about now. Some chose to do so on TV, with Stephen Colbert showing one off at the Grammy Awards and David Letterman having fun with the tablet on his show, as you can see below. He also poses 10 questions to the folks waiting in line for the device:

Meanwhile, Stephen Colbert had a more original approach, using the iPad to chop vegetables and make a salsa out of them. As you can see in the video above, Letterman also licked the device and slapped it a couple of times, when it didn’t seem to respond to his commands. Also, he kept locking the screen and pressing the “Off” button on the tablet… kinda shameful, isn’t it?

In other news, Apple recently announced that MobileMe now provides iPad support and iTunes 9.1 will feature an “iPad remote” at some point, making the new gadget possibly the most expensive remote on the market.

[via Engadget]