While Nokia is looking for a new direction, one that might include Android or Windows Phone 7, Intel is planning on launching a couple of MeeGo slates of its own. The debut of the devices will take place in June and we expect Intel’s App Up app store to be launched in the same time frame.

In the video below you can see the tablet version of MeeGo (version 1.0), but this summer we’ll be witnessing the launch of devices carrying version 1.2, at least. Speculations say that the OS could even take off next month during MWC 2011. June means that the slates will debut at Computex, a pretty important tech event, that last year showed us the very first MeeGo tablets.

As you can see in the vid below, Intel Moorestown runs MeeGo, complete with multitouch and we’re expecting Oak Trail to also make an appearance this year.