In a recent keynote to investors and the press, HP CEO Leo Apotheker expressed his wish to conquer the tablet and smartphone market. HP is already at the top of its game on the printer and PC market, selling two of each every second, an incredible volume of products for any company out there.

There is still room of improvement in the tablet and handset segment, that’s true, especially with the hot competition coming from Apple and those much loved Android devices. To sum up the speech of the HP main man, the cloud is the future for the US company, that intends to offer cloud-based tools, services and software.

These will greatly improve the enterprise segment and also reach the mass consumers. HP has the TouchPad webOS 3.0 tablet ready to debut in the following months and we’re really curious if it will be able to compete with the iPad 2, that has already sold 1 million units in less than a week.