I admit I haven’t thought about this before, but apparently some folks have, so here we have it: drunk testing Windows 8. The people at Three Sheets Market Research are behind this, deciding to allow a woman under the influence to play with Windows 8 for the very first time.

Win 8 is actually tough for consumers who are sober, let alone intoxicated. Feeding tequila to a very active computer user, so active she described herself as a cyborg, they observed how she behaves and performs mundane tasks with the new OS. The result were kind of… odd, like the woman’s behaviour. Jennifer found it hard to find the picture of a “cute dog” on her hard drive and frequently banged her keyboard escape key, trying to get back to the start menu.

She lingered a while in the email area, not figuring out how to exit the app. Also, it took a while to get to the desktop mode, but once she did, she immediately found the picture of the dog. Also, she burst into laughter when asked how she can get on the Internet, also criticizing Bing and IE in her drunken manner. So, Windows 8? Not so good when you’re drunk…