iPad 2 Based on Carbon Fiber for Lighter Hardware?
Once again we come across some rumors regarding the next-gen iPad, this time talking about a lighter material used for the device: carbon fiber. Apparently, Apple is exploring this option, to...
Survey Shows iPad Dominates the Tablet Market, but It May Fall
A recent survey conducted by VoucherCodes.co.uk between 15 and 18 October on 3,000 UK respondents showed that Apple's iPad has weak points, in spite of its tablet market dominance. Although when...
Next Gen iPad to Feature FaceTime Cameras Supplied by OmniVision
Everyone's waiting for the next-gen iPad right now, perhaps even the folks who already bought the Apple Tablet. The reasons are obvious: everyone wants a FaceTime camera on it, an improved...
iPad Accounts for 95% of the Tablet Market
Apple's iPad managed to grab hold of 95% of the tablet market in its few months of existence, having managed to sell 4.4 million units in the September quarter, according to...
Verizon iPad Available today, Starting at $629.99
Verizon has just released its very own iPad version, starting at $629.99 for the 16GB version. You can get this device at any Verizon Wireless sore in the US, or via...
President Obama Signs Apple iPad; Discusses Economics With Steve Jobs
After a meeting with Steve Jobs taking place the other day, President Obama was greeted by a crowd that included an iPad owner, who managed to get the head of state's...
Steve Jobs Dismisses 7 Inch iPad, Attacks Rival Tablets
Just as Apple revealed its stunning financial results, Steve Jobs took his time and attacked the other tablet makers. Also, Apple's boss dismissed once and for all the rumors concerning the...
iPhone and iPad Help Spreading the Flu; Health Tips HERE!
Apparently, the iPhone and iPad will greatly contribute to spreading the flu in the cold season to come. How? Well, people sneeze into their hands and next comes touch interaction with...
iPad Gets a Hole in the Middle; Taken Down by Shotgun (Video)
Some people are getting very bored out there and they probably want to celebrate the news that Notion Ink's Adam is coming soon, so they decided to shoot an iPad with...
Salsa Table Integrates iPads, Collaborative Energies Fused
One may argue that with all these gadgets we're becoming more and more alienated and communicate through hardware, instead of speaking directly to people. Designer Bram boo begs to differ, by...