So, the software that everyone has been waiting for is here! I’m talking about the untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 5.1.1, available now for devices such as the iPads and iPhone 4S, among others. In case some of you don’t know, untethered means that you don’t have to plug the device to the PC each time you restart it.

Anyway, the new tool is created by Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team and it’s called Absinthe 2.0. It aims at jailbreaking most iOS devices, including the iPhone 4S, New iPad and the newest iPod Touch. The only problem with this tool is the 2012 version of the iPad 2, with that different processor based on the new manufacturing process. The hackers haven’t come around to solving that yet. Well, you can get your share of jailbreaking from here, if you want to, but as usual be wary or problems and know that we don’t recommend voiding your warranty.

Well, at least you’ll get Cydia and the likes working and get your share of third party software. I wonder what’s so differnt about the 2012 iPad 2 that they’ll have to come up with a special jailbreak tool for iOS 5.1.1 on it… Any idea? Aside from the obvious CPU production process…