Like the all rumors around the web these days, the new iPhone 6 generation will pack a bigger display between 4.7 and 5.5 inch. Today, an image leak showed up on the web revealing a case sketch for the iPhone 6, an image that keeps the rumors true.
As you can see, the margins of this device will lose a lot of the curvature from the previous versions. According to the sketch, iPhone 6 will measure 150 mm in length and 85 mm in width, sizes that could give us a clue that the next iPhone will have a 4.7 inch.
Through the list of possible specs we find saphire glass protection, a 441 ppi display, NFC, an Apple A8 CPU, 1 GB of RAM and a 8-megapixel main camera. Also, the new iPhone 6 will come with iOS 8 operating system, a platform that will bring monitoring functions for health and sport activity.