Nokia’s future cash cow seems to be the N900 tablet, that has recently started shipping. This mobile computer is based on the Maemo 5 open source platform and it’s seemingly going to hit retail stores in November with a retail price of EUR 500 (without taxes).
Nokia’s officials claim that the device has generated quite a lot of interest since its public launch back in August, shown by the numerous pre-orders of the Internet tablet. The main aspect of this device is that it provides a full browsing experience, unrivalled by other gadgets and it comes with very hot specs.
At the core of the N900 there’s an ARM Cortex-A8 CPU, accompanied by up to 1GB of total application memory, these feats providing the means for multitasking. Widgets, personalization, shortcuts and a 5 megapixel Carl Zeiss camera are all bonuses that will appeal to the future N900 users. Add 32GB of storage in the mix, 48GB more via external microSD cards and all the Ovi love you can get and you’ve got a hit.