iOS users are still waiting for Google to launch its fresh Maps app for iOS, or better said for Apple to approve it. Meanwhile there’s a new alternative for Apple Maps, the Nokia Here software, that was announced a week ago. Now it’s available for free in the App Store and you can download it from here.

The Nokia Here app works on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and it’s based on Navteq mapping solutions. It requires iOS 4.3 and later and key features of the app include live traffic information, public transportation and voice guided navigation (for walking), plus much more. The application comes with live traffic view, public transport lines and satellite view mode. You can save map areas and check them out in regions where there’s no data coverage.

In selected countries you can access community maps that are created and updated by users, plus you will get maps, search and coverage for about 200 countries. Search with history and suggestions is available too and you can share the places you find with a single tap. Anyone downloaded the app? Feedback?