Thanks to Dutch site tabletguide, we get an interesting infographic, showing us exactly how big the achievement of the new iPad is, when it comes to its display. I’m talking, of course about the famous Retina Display, that has been the talk of the town lately. At 2048 x 1536 it beats the hell out of the 1024 x 768 slates out there and the 1280 x 800 pixel units too.
There are some 1920 x 1200 slates, too, also beaten by this device and even HDTVs are beaten when it comes to resolution. The question is: how do we notice a difference between the iPad 3 screen and a 1920 x 1200 tablet? It will be reviews and tests that will reveal this aspect, but odds are that you won’t feel any difference. The real difference is always on paper and in the marketing, so Apple will always have the reason to say “we have the biggest and best…”, but when it comes to real life use, it’s not that different.
Of course, even those 1920 x 1200 pixel Android tablets don’t take advantage of their resolutions, mostly because scaling is poor in Honeycomb, there aren’t enough apps made for such resolutions (if any), while Apple already promised a couple of dozens games and apps (if not hundreds) to come with the new tablet. As usual, the power of Apple lies in the cool apps adapted to its new experience, not only the hardware…
Thanks Frits for the tip!