Last year, HP’s first decent tablet for the masses went totally wrong and got canned pretty quickly. It was only then that it became a hit, being sold for $100 apiece and getting Android 4.0 ported on it. And now a would be follow-up has appeared for the TouchPad, the Go model, pictured below.

These shots came up courtesy of FCC, that tore down the device that’s supposed to be a 7 inch version of the original TouchPad. Go was supposed to reach the stores in late 2011 and even got the FCC approval back in October last year. However, with HP shutting down the webOS area and canceling its phones and tablets, this model never reached the public. Last I heard there were quite a bunch of units like this one laying around and they were probably meant to reach HP employees.

Photos of the TouchPad Go mainboard show a Qualcomm APQ8060 1.2 GHz dual core processor, Samsung SDRAM, SanDisk flash memory and some other chips I can’t make out on account of all the blurriness here. There’s also a WLAN card in the mix, a Broadcom transceiver and a rear 5 megapixel camera and a 1.3MP camera at the front. Sadly, there’s no intention at all for this device to ever go public again…