Google Search has quietly been updated, in its tablet version, or better said its UI has been revamped. Up until now the layout felt like a combo of the mobile and desktop versions. Google made the launch without a big fuss about it.


The tablet view that debuted at the end of this week, uses card-like results, it’s more clean and clear and better spaced. The top navigation bar is slimmer and there’s a lot of white space to the left and right of search results. The main categories like “Web”, “News”, “Videos” or “Images” remain unchanged. When local results pop up, they take the whole screen apparently.


Below (last two images) you can see the old version of the search results, that felt a bit crowded and not very comfy to press especially on a smaller slate. Google was contacted and asked about the change and they said that they “began rolling out a new tablet Search results page, bringing the best of Google Search to tablets” this week. I guess that one day we’ll only have to rely on Google Now alone…


