ASUS has made public its goals for next year, that seem to include big tablet, notebook and smartphone sales. The company’s goals include shipping 13 million tablets in 2014, as revealed by sources close to the company.
They also intend to ship 20 million notebooks, 21 million motherboards and 5 million smartphones next year. In 2013, the estimation is that the company shipped a total of 18.2 million notebooks, well below the goal of 24 million, while the tablets reached 12.1 million units, a bit higher than the 12 million target.
Next year will be all about the MEMOfone handset series and new members of the Transformer Pad family, plus maybe some MeMo Pads and maybe even the Nexus 7 3, as the rumors have claimed recently. This would make ASUS the first company to make 3 devices in the Nexus family consecutively.