The folks of Geeksugar stumbled upon some might call an Apple Tablet replacement: the ModBook. Apparently pictured on the cover of an older magazine, this device takes the average MacBook and turns it into a tablet, by using parts from your computer. Modbook actually works and it’s pretty stable unit, but what’s surprising is that the gizmo dates from back in 2007.
Forget about touch-sensitive gestures or any modern control system, like the touchscreen keyboard, but as far as the design is concerned this is very much an Apple Tablet. Modbook is the ideal tool for digital artists, or Photoshop users, who need a tough device and a glass screen.
The MacBook mod that spawned this device also made it incorporate a GPS and use a digital pen.
A new ModBook costs $1.649 and includes a 2.13 GHz, or you can send your own MacBook for customization and get a price of $699 until March 1.
[via geeksugar]