Apple isn’t entirely new to the whole tablet business, specially since a third party called Axiotron messed with a MacBook a couple of year back, turning it into a tablet. It was all a custom job, that removed the keyboard and screen, adding a Wacom pen-based display instead. The product went on sale for $699 and Axiotron filed a trademark for the “TabletMac” term.

Now, Apple steps in and claims the trademark…


The device created by Axiotron was known as “TabletMac” back in the 2007 press release, but over the past year Apple managed to have the patent transferred to its ownership. This doesn’t, however, mean that Apple is indeed preparing a tablet for launch, but that it wants to avoid confusion with its products.

There is a small possibility that the tablet being made by Cupertino bears this name, but nothing’s for sure these days, specially since we don’t even have an official statement on the existence of the device.


[via macrumors]