It seems Apple has had problems with iPad Mini supplies sine the device was launched earlier this year. Apple managed to sell their entire iPad Mini stocks. There are short supplies for all variants, especially the LTE variants with the 32GB LTE iPad Minis to be delivered somewhere at the end of November. According to recent news, preordered LTE iPad Minis will ship somewhere from late November to December.
Apple has ditched Samsung from supplying most of their components. Due to the fact that both manufacturers are deep in lawsuits and Apple even managed to win a large sum in damages from Samsung, it is no surprise that Apple is trying to find other suppliers for its iPad Mini components. While LG has been chosen to provides displays for the Apple tablets, the demand may be so high that it will just not cut it.
Because of the problems Apple has been facing with their tablet supplies, “industry observers” have lowered their estimated iPad Mini shipments from 10 million units to 6-8 million units by the end of 2012, according to the report. It is also expected that with the approaching Holiday season Apple will suffer some financial losses due to the fact that it hasn’t devices to sell.