Apple has also upgraded the Apple TV during the iPhone 6s launch from a few hours ago. The new version of set top box costs $149 and brings a ton of novelty, like Siri, apps, games and a revolutionary remote.
The brand new remote is touch-enabled, comes with Siri access and also allows you to access the App Store. The set top box itself brings an Apple A8 processor, an Ethernet port, HDMI port too, WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0. Third party apps will be available on the device and brand new versions of Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go and Showtime, with new interfaces. The platform of choice on the new Apple TV is called tvOS and it’s a derived version of iOS.
The remote is Bluetooth enabled and is able to last for up to 3 months on a charge. This accessory has volume controls, a touchpad for navigation purposes and Siri with very impressive functionality. You can search for content, or content categories, filter results, go back 15 seconds in a TV show for example, see the game score during a movie and the cast of a movie you’re watching.
Games like Crossy Road and Beat Sports were demoed on the Apple TV at launch, with the remote being used as a joystick. It features an accelerometer and gyroscope, feeling a bit like a Wiimote. The 32 GB Apple TV is the one priced at $149, while the 64 GB one goes for $199. They’ll come in late October.