Sci-fi movies and animation productions are the most likely source for hardware and software developers to get their inspiration from, when they want to create new products. Thus, Gizmodo made a collection of the most important sci-fi movies that showcased tablets/multitouch PCs of the future and they came up with this beautiful result:
Two of our favorites are the great interface and tablet used in “Avatar” and of course, Tom Cruise’s cool gear in “Minority Report”. “Iron Man” also gets some praise for Downey Jr’s lab equipment and interface used to create his cool gadgets, plus there’s a fun mentioning of the original “tablets”, those that held the ten commendments.
“Star Trek”, in its latest version, “The Island” and “Terminator Salvation” also get mentioned among the cool movies with sci-fi gear, but you’ve also got to love the tablet from “The Incredibles”. Will the Apple Tablet be able to turn part of these dreams into reality?