Tablets are the most sought after items these days, a fact proved by the $962 million that six southeast Asian countries registered in sales last year alone. The slates were extremely popular items in these areas and over 1.6 million tablets were bought during the 12 months in 2011.

A GfK retail tracking of tablet sales in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam showed a 97% increase in unit sales in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter. The biggest market in the region is still Malaysia, that ended the year with total sales of $374 million. Tablet sales started off slower, especially compared to other parts of the world, but then came the iPad 2, the Eee Pad Transformer and other hot items like those.

Not to mention locally created cheap slates, that also do well. Android is the region’s favourite OS, according to the GfK study, that shows important growth of this OS in the area. Within the first 2 months of 2012, Android reached $243, so it’s going pretty strong this year too. The lower price of Android slates is quoted as the reason for the success in the region, according to people close to the matter. The average price of Android tablets was around $531 in 2011, but that’s not big at all, in comparison with the $676 average price tag of rival products. More figures and details can be found in the source link below.