Even though you probably imagine that everyone has a tablet by now, well the figures show it’s not exactly like that. For one thing approximately two thirds of US adults still don’t own a tablet right now and everyone is starting to feel what’s called “tablet fatigue” these days.



The market is being flooded by the likes of Samsung, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft with a huge variety of products, of all shapes and sizes. Price points are varied, so are specs and OSes. There’s even variety within the Android ecosystem, with the likes of Amazon and B&N making the experience unrecognizable.

The tablet fatigue term was coined by Mike Feibus, principal analyst at TechKnowledge Strategies. Tablet development has reportedly slowed and it has reached a plateaued level. There’s a new phase of fragmentation going on at the moment, with app ecosystems, use cases and multiple OSes. There are kids tablets, rugged tablets, gaming tablets and the list goes on and one.

New niches are emerging and customers are driven to various segments of the market. The volume purchases are still directed towards the 7 and 8 inch segment, but the future products may make 12 inch or 10 inch formats cool.