It’s been a few bad weeks for a few big companies out there, first with Samsung and its deformed back of the Galaxy Tab S slate models, then the LG G3 had a cracked lower area and now NVIDIA also ran into some trouble. Reports are coming in, saying that the NVIDIA Shield Tablet has cracked edges and NVIDIA quickly answered the concerns.


It all started when users of the Shield Tablet, the beloved Tegra K1-based gaming device that everyone wants has started to crack. NVIDIA claims that there have been reports of hairline cracks in the corners of the Shield tablet casing and these cracks are supposed to be cosmetic and won’t affect performance. The imperfection is caused by “material control issue during production” and only a small number of units are affected.

NVIDIA claims they’ll replace the defective units with the imperfection and right now they’re investigating the situation and will be back with more details. Strangely, some of the cracks don’t have to do with the actual use of the device, since some users registered them right after the unboxing. How does a premium device become so brittle? What’s the physics and chemistry behind such a problem, I wonder…