We’ve got a freshly leaked HTC One Max picture, from retailer ePrice, that reveals not only the design of the upcoming phablet, but also some design features. This device is supposed to be a 5.9 inch phablet coming at IFA 2013 and we learn more about it after the break.


As you can see, this model is compared to the HTC One and HTC One Mini in the shot below and it stands out through a black square area below the camera. That could be a fingerprint scanner, an infrared sensor moved from the top of the phone to its back or simply a new touch button of the device. We also notice some metallic pins on the side, destined for a dock, accessory or wireless charging gizmo.

And this is the part where we start to speculate… at the bottom of the device there’s an area covered, leading me to believe that there could be a stylus slot there. With such a large device, a new way of input never hurts, right? We’ll most likely learn more about it at IFA 2013 in about two weeks.