Indian retailer Flipkart announced no less than 5 new tablets today, part of the Digiflip Pro series of slates. What these models have in common is the OS, Android and the processor, made by Intel. The newcomers are called DigiFlip Pro XT911, Pro XT901, Pro XT811, Pro XT801 and Pro ET701. Prices start at $99.
Diagonals range from 7 inches (DigiFlip Pro ET701) to 8 inches (DigiFlip Pro XT801 and XT811) and finally to 8.9 inches (DigiFlip Pro XT911). The cheapest unit, the 7 incher offers a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels, while the 8 inch models support 1280 x 800 and the 8.9 inchers 1920 x 1200 pixels. All of the 8 inch and 8.9 inch tablets share exactly the same CPU: a 2 GHz Intel Atom Z2580 dual core processor, while the 7 inch unit opts for a dual core 1.2 GHz Intel Atom Z2520.
The latter also uses 8 GB of storage, while all the others go with 16 GB and only the bigger 8.9 inch models have 2 GB of RAM, while all the rest have 1 GB. Battery size goes from 2800 to 6500 mAh and 3G is only available on the DigiFlip Pro ET701, DigiFlip Pro XT811 and DigiFlip Pro XT911. The latter two also offer voice calling. While the 7 inch tablet goes for $99, the DigiFlip Pro XT801 is priced at $148, the DigiFlip Pro Xt811 at $181 and the DigiFlip Pro XT901 at $231.
The most expensive model of all costs $264.