Google has just introduced Chrome for Android, in a beta version that runs on Android 4.0 devices. You can find the software in Android Market here and I’m sure that at some point in the future we’ll see the stock browser in Android being replaced by Chrome. Since this requires ICS, I guess you can only run it on tablets such as the Motorola Xoom and ASUS Transformer Prime, that already received the Android 4.0 treatment.

Or maybe you’re one of the lucky guys that got Android Ice Cream Sandwich working on the HP TouchPad and Kindle Fire through a special ROM and now you also want Chrome. Back to the new mobile browser, this beat gives us the ability to sync bookmarks with the Chrome browser on the PC. Smart suggestions are also available and they rely in on the entire history when you type an address. You also get unlimited tabs, a nice view for all of them and a very clean interface.

You can continue using the same open tabs from your desktop Chrome on your mobile, so if you leave home with YouTube, Yahoo Mail and CNN open, the minute you walk out the door, the experience will continue on the tablet or smartphone. Flash is not supported for now and I have no clue when it will arrive, but since Adobe already gave it up it really doesn’t matter. Here’s the official presentation of the new Chrome: