Although we were already keen on the name Magic Slate or iSlate for Apple’s Tablet, a recent trademark filing proved us wrong, mentioning the name “iPad” as the one of the upcoming device. MacRumors have got the scoop on this and although Apple defended the iSlate trademark pretty well, their dummy corporation, Slate Computing, LCC also took care of the “iPad” trademark.

The application was filed back in July 2009, more recently than those for the iSlate, from the 2006-2007 period. Slate Computing, LCC applied for this trademark in Canada, because in the US Fujitsu has control over this brand, related to handheld computing. Similar applications were also filed in Europe and Hong Kong in July.

Over the past week, new iPad trademark applications have been discovered in New Zealand and Australia, proving that Apple is covering its back. As you can see in the image above, one of them was filed on Friday, January 15th 2010. The company doing the work is IP Application Development, LLC, probably another Apple-sent dummy.

So, this is it folks: until further info the Apple Tablet is unofficially known as the iPad!

[via Infosyncworld]