CES 2012 looked very much like an Android tablet offensive, with tons of Android 4.0 models, some of them quad core appearing and getting ready to take over the market this year. In spite of this invasion, the iPad is still the most popular tablet and it’s pushing Apple to reign a good portion of the PC market apparently. Chris Whitmore from Deutsche Bank recently mentioned in a note that Android tablets failed to perform as expected and that Windows 8 will change the game.
As Android and Win 8 battle it out, the expected winner of this brawl will be iOS and the iPad 3, according to the same analyst. For you to get a better picture of what’s really going on, there’s the chart above with the global computing share including and excluding the iPads. If you include them Apple gets almost 25% of all computer market, which is a very impressive feat. Android devices make up around 30% of the tablet market in Q3 2011, so if we add even those in the mix, it looks like the laptops and PCs are getting ready to be surpassed by slates in the near future.
This evolution seems logical, since tablets have started offering close to desktop experiences, with all software from the desktop getting ported to the portable world and the quad core CPUs and other high end features offering the needed power for the always on the go user. And now we wait for the iPad 3 to be added to the equation…