Apple recently cleared some regulation hurdles in China to start selling a “3G device” in the country and the Wall Street Journal assumes that it may just be the New iPad. The Chinese Telecommunications Equipment Certification Center mentions an Apple device with 3G data capabilities and lists as the receiver of the need license to sell locally.
The device is compatible with the China Unicom network, a longtime Apple partner in releasing iPhone and iPad iterations. Know that the device in the official listing is only mentioned under the codename “model number A1430”. Apple makes its products in China and also sells quite a bunch in there, including the latest iPhone and older iPad iterations. With the latest iPad available in 56 countries since its debut in March, China is one of the few important markets where the Retina Display slate hasn’t started selling.
In late March a WiFi-only version of the tablet was approved by Chinese regulators, but it never actually went on sale. It’s probably because of the legal battle between Apple and Chinese company Proview, that apparently owned the trademark for the name “iPad” a while ago and now wants to sue over that. The two sides are approaching a settlement, but till then the iPad 3’s release in China remains in suspense…