Apple usually stays away from Black Friday, discounts and such things, but not anymore, at least not in Europe. Cupertino is offering UK discounts of up to 81 quid for the latest iMac or MacBook and 31 quid off the iPad Air.
Other iPads also get price reductions and there are also deals for the iPod Touch or accessories like the Parrot AR drone. The US and Canada get mere gift cards handed out instead of cash, like $75 offerings on the iPad Air, $150 for iMacs and MacBooks and $50 for an iPod Touch. Countries like France and Germany get similar cash discounts to the UK ones mentioned above.
The new iPad Mini with Retina Display is still full price, while the iPad Mini 1 has been receiving some heavy discounts in Eastern Europe on Black Friday, believe me. At the end of 2013, it would be time for Apple to reduce the iPad 2 price to a smaller amount than the current price.