Apple is predicted to have its tablet market share reducer this year, as more and more Android tablets erode their lead. These speculations and predictions apply for the first half 2013 and now it appears that the iPad and iPad Mini had a combined market share drop of around 50% in the second half of 2012.
Apple is likely to launch its next generation of tablets in the second half of 2013, so non Apple brands are taking advantage of the gap in product releases from October till now by releasing new devices aggressively. They are also pricing them aggressively, with Acer and ASUS revealing recently some very affordable Android models like the MemoPad or the Iconia B1. Amazon’s Kindle Fire did spectacularly in the holiday quarter, while the Nexus 7 was seen by many as the tablet of the year 2012.
Now with Samsung preparing a Galaxy Note 8.0 and supposedly a Galaxy Tab 3, things will get even more heated. Such products may cause the Apple tablet market share to drop even more, compared to the already existing drop in the second half of 2012. And stats aren’t even mentioning Win RT and Win 8. Imagine if they got big…