According to some rumors, it seems that the next generation of the iPad Mini tablet developed by Apple will come in a 30% slimmer case compared to the actual iPad Mini Retina slate. Even if Apple will make a lot of changes to the actual iPad Mini device, at the moment, the 7-inch tablets are the most popular devices out there.


The rumors suggest that this new iPad Mini dubbed Mini Air will drop a few millimeters in its thickness and will be 30% thinner. Compared to the actual iPad Mini Retina that measures 7.5 mm in thickness, the iPad Mini Air will measure just 5.25 mm, even less than the world’s thinnest smartphone, the Gionee Elife S5.5 (5.55 mm).

Also, the new iPad Mini tablet will pack an Apple A8 chip built by TSMC. Unfortunately, there’s no other info about the possibility that the next tablet to pack a TouchID sensor. We also find out that the 12.9-inch iPad Pro won’t be ready until next year.