Well, folks, RIM is moving in the shadows, while giants such as HP are tanking… Turns out that they’ve been working on the QNX follow-up, with the result being something like the platform pictured below in screenshots. This is PlayBook OS 2.0 if not QNX 2.0…

We can’t help but notice the lack of BlackBerry Enterprise Server syncing or Internet Service, but at least you can configure Exchange/Active Sync, IMAP, POP, CalDAV and CarDAV accounts. This means that RIM will switch to the integrated mail, contacts and calendars that most tablet and OS makers are relying on… Finally!

However, there’s also a chance that the Canadian company simply didn’t enable Blackberry Enterprise Server on this unit that was pictured. Well, well, there’s also the famous green robot pictured in the far left of the image below, so Android love is here, with porting, emulation and God knows what else. Angry Birds?