Microsoft recently unleashed upon the world Windows 10 Build 10122, available to insiders. Well, then came also build 10125, that was made available to partners. Among the things it brings there’s a new back button functionality, available for tablets.


The Build 10125 is 3 builds newer than the current official build, which is 10122. It’s still a pretty interesting release, that even has design changes. For example, new icons are included here, as well as Continuum improvements and the new back button obviously. There’s a GIF below detailing its functionality. If you ask me, I agree with all the minimalistic UI approach, but that Back button feels dated and the icon seems like it belongs to the 1990s.

Well, the functionality is obvious: it lets you go back on an app. It works just like the back button in Windows Phone basically. It’s true that today there are times when I wish we had a back button on Windows or the iPhone, seeing how Windows Phone and Android accustomed us to that. As far as the new icons go, they’re all very blue, angular and non glossy, but also not exactly flat…