In case you checked out our huge review of the Galaxy Note 4, that’s over an hour long, you probably noticed we weren’t happy with the brightness level of the screen, especially in sunlight. We saw other people happy with it, so we started wondering what we did wrong. Well, apparently, the Manual mode for brightness is no longer the benchmark setting for brightness, since Samsung offers a higher setting.
Now, by using the Auto mode on the Note 4, you can push the brightness even higher, with 5 extra levels to choose from. If you choose the +5 option, in full sunlight, you’ll still be able to see the screen without problems. This makes the contrast very good and the screen very impressive. We also used a luxmeter to figure things out and got a crazy good 682 LUX units on the Auto +5 setting, with the sensor exposed to sunlight.
Previously, the iPhone 6 Plus was the champion with a bit over 600 lux and during a similar test with the iPhone 6 Plus side by side with the Note 4 we got 623 LUX on the Apple phablet. The result is that the Note 4 is better slightly in full sunlight, has excellent contrast and brightness, topping every other device we’ve tested so far, tablet or phone. We’ll be back with more details soon in a huge text review!