While the Windows 8 platform hasn’t gathered the support it needed to overcome the popular mobile platforms, it still manages to hold its position on the market, with the help of top manufacturers like Samsung and even Microsoft. It is now time for another player to join the lines.


MSI as in Motorola Solutions Inc. has been rumored for a while to launch new tablet devices on the market, though it hasn’t happened yet. The manufacturer has mostly invested its support into Google’s Android OS with no word about trying to manage another system. Recent rumors confirm that the manufacturer is preparing an orientation towards Microsoft’s newly released Window 8 OS. Though it doesn’t exactly come as a surprise, it will be interesting to see what design and specific features Motorola is willing to bring to the table.

Latest reports are saying that the Motorola powered Windows 8 tablets are going to be released by the end of this year or beginning of 2014. Motorola Solutions reported strong fourth-quarter 2012 results, with a total revenue came in at $2,441 million, up 6% year over year. The company also generated over $1.1 billion for full fiscal 2012 in earnings. The upcoming Motorola Windows 8 devices could give low-paid employees the opportunity to work with a complex OS in a trouble-free environment.