Kobo has just launched the Kobo Touch with Offers gadget, priced at $100 and supported by ads included on it. This eReader is available on its webstore and it’s down $30 from the regular $130 price tag. This 6 inch slate is just like the original Kobo Touch, but it shows ads when in sleep mode.

Also, some ads will be displayed on discreet areas, as promised by its maker. The product is available in the US in black, but it’s unavailable for pre-order right now. Kobo lists it as “shipping within two to three weeks” and there’s no telling exactly what ads you’re going to see on its screen. This device allows you to access over 2.2 million books, newspapers and magazine via WiFi and read them using the 6 inch E-Ink screen without glare problems.

7 font styles, plus your own are available and 17 sizes for best reading experience. 15 best selling book samples will be preloaded on this device, that’s very light and compact, measuring 10mm in thickness and weighs 186 grams.