Since we’re testing the iPad Mini these days, we gave a game a spin on the tablet. I’m talking about a free game called Zombiewood and offered by Gameloft. This is a twin stick shooter, that involves a muscular character, an action movie actor from Hollywood. You should also know that LA has been invaded by zombies in the game…
So, you’ll take on zombies in various “movies”, since each collection of levels is divided into such films, that include reels or better said missions. You will wield shotguns, dual pistols, rocket launchers and even cool bonus weapons, like a big axe or guitar, or even a baseball bat. Each film has a theme, so you’ll play in a “love movie”, “cop movie” and many more. There are damzels to save from cages, fires to estinguish by putting out hydrants and obviously zombies to kill.
Frankensteins that shoot lasers out of their eyes are also your foes, but sadly the enemies are not all that varied. The real danger is when zombies got into a frantic berserk mode, so you should be careful. Since this is a freemium game, it’s quite hard to advance without spending some big bucks, but you will eventually make it. The graphics are colourful, the music feels like surf songs/americana and overall the atmosphere is great. Too bad that levels are repetitive, so we give the game a 7.5 out of 10. You can download it from here.